MAL011 - Maghtab Siltation Pond 1


Maghtab Siltation Pond 1 is located within the Maghtab Environmental Complex. Permission is required to enter the site as there is a security guard office at the entrance to the site. The siltation pond is lined with a membrane and acts as a soakaway for run-off from the waste management site. The pond provides an artificial habitat and includes a population of the Painted Frog as well as ducks and other avifauna. A (presumably) migrant Egret was noted on site during the field investigation. The Egret was spending time resting in the water.

Wetland data

Basic information
Wetland location: Inland
Wetland type: Artificial
Wetland area: 0.20 Ha
Hydrological interaction: -  
Water salinity: Fresh (< 0.5 g/l)
Type of fresh water input: Catchment area (precipitation)
Surface water runoff Other
Open water area (%): > 95
Hydroperiod: Permanent
Geographic information
Census district: Northern
Island: Malta
Local council: In-Naxxar
Longitude: 14.444310 East
Latitude: 35.949380 North
Biological significance
Biological significance: Low
Ramsar wetland type
Type Coverage (%)
8 -- Wastewater treatment areas; sewage farms, settling ponds, oxidation basins, etc.
Property status
Activities on catchment area
Activity Intensity
502 = roads motorways High
800 = Landfill land reclamation and drying out High
Impact Intensity
FCP = Introduction of animal pests
Vegetation types
Type Coverage (%)
Emergent 5 - 25
Species Presence status References
Typha domingensis


Presence status in wetland

Discoglossus pictus (Otth, 1837)
