Filters applied: Ramsar type: Human-made wetlands Inland wetlands Wetland type: 7 -- Ts -- Position: Inland

Wetlands found: 7

Wetland name Wetland code Census district Local council Island
Tas-Seqer GOZ008 Gozo and Comino L-Ghasri Gozo
Qasam San Gorg GOZ016 Gozo and Comino Ta' Kercem Gozo
L-Ghadira ta' San Raflu GOZ024 Gozo and Comino Ta' Kercem Gozo
Ta' Qali 3 MAL029 Northern H'Attard Malta
Tas-Salvatur MAL071 Western Is-Siggiewi Malta
Tal-Isqof 1 MAL074 South Eastern L-Imqabba Malta
Tal-Isqof 2 MAL075 South Eastern L-Imqabba Malta